Niño & Niña Preschool n Daycare

  • Junior Wing, GT 14-15, Sector 117, Noida-201301
  • Senior Wing, GT-12, Sector 117, Noida-201301
  • SP-29, Sector 130, Noida-201301

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LOCK DOWN: Testing Times for Parents

Parents are busy in households and office requirements trying to figure out the ways to keep the children at home productively engaged. At times we have extremely

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Be Guilt Free While Sending Your Child To The Daycare…

Although I know that Covid-19 is heavy on all of our minds right now, I have attempted to share my views on the above mentioned topic ! We all go

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Ten Things I did Right as a Parent – Part Two

No Lock Down of Knowledge Sharing and so, another opportunity to share my experiences! In the last blog, I shared five things that I had done right

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Ten Things I did Right as a Parent – Part One

After I posted my five mistakes as a parent, there were many who wanted to know the ten things I did right as a parent. Promising to write another blog

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It’s better to learn from other’s mistakes rather than making the same mistakes ourselves. I did a few mistakes in this journey called Parenting. Hope you wouldn’t repeat the same.

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Show Them The Way !

Just the other day my mother was folding the clothes after laundry and my nephews kept punching the pile, undoing all my mother’s hardwork. I was sitting in the other

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College reunions can be real eye openers! It takes you by a surprise to see one of the back benchers, who hardly managed to score passing marks (that too consistently)

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How To Raise A Perfect Kid?

If you are reading it then either you are a curious reader or you need perfection in your kid. Theoretically you know how bad the rat race is and it’s

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I Am Not Wasting My Time…

There is so much to think for a young, impressionable mind as it maneuvers through the classroom teachings. Many of these uncontrollable thoughts are often roped

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The Passionate Profession of Teaching

The great philosopher, Dr S. Radhakrishnan said that, “an educational institute is what it’s teachers make it”. From as early as the days mentioned in our scriptures

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As You Sow, So Shall You Reap!

I had very enthusiastically learnt how to drive a car while growing up and I quite enjoyed driving. That was only until the time I didn’t have my own car! 

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Disciplining the Pyramid Way!

While reading and surfing the internet I came across a statement that said, “Disciplining children is lot like climbing up a pyramid.” On giving this statement a thought, I realised how

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