Our Infrastructure

Outdoor Play Area

We understand the fact that the main source of Vitamin D is SUNLIGHT. In today’s scenario kid’s get less opportunities to play outdoors and hence are deficient in Vitamin D which is crucial for normal growth and development of bones and teeth. At Niño & Niña we strive to provide a good and safe Outdoor Environment for kids to play.

Young children need the opportunity to use their whole body and develop their gross motor skills. It's only when kids have mastered these skills that they will be able to control their fine motor skills, such as using a spoon and fork or holding a pencil, for instance. As a result, children playing outside can have a positive impact.

We have a variety of sloped areas which help children learn to adjust their balance on differing surfaces. Our Play Strategy is: ‘Open space allows children to be physically active and challenge themselves so they sleep and eat well and form healthy habits that will stay with them for life.’

Water Wall

Water, Water Everywhere!

Children enjoy water play, especially outside during the warmer months of the year! There are so many great benefits from water play. Our Water Walk helps develope your child's gross motor skills.

Exploring the Water Wall fosters learning in all developmental areas. It provides opportunities for children to experiment with Math and Science concepts with the use of water in various containers of different sizes, shovels and buckets which encourage knowledge in volume, estimation, and measurement. Playing with objects floating and sinking fosters problem solving skills.

Children are able to learn about measuring a certain amount of water into a bucket, more and less by filling one bucket with more water and one bucket with less water. Our Water Wall also encourages creativity. The children are able to pretend and use their imagination, while playing with the water. Water Wall is a lot of fun and has so many wonderful developmental benefits for your child!

Musical Wall

Today we know more about how children learn and grow than ever before. Today we have data to confirm our hunch that "Music is vital to life." Read what experts in their fields think about the benefits of music and movement:

"Music brings people together. Through music, children take an inner experience and move it into a shared creative experience. Group music-making releases energy which can be channeled in creative, productive directions. Children learn about themselves and others by playing music together and by listening to each other — tapping into hidden courage that can be played out by singing together or discovering the inner resources to listen quietly to another child's playing."

Judi Bosco
Board Certified Music Therapist

Developmentally appropriate music activities involve the whole child-the child's desire for language, the body's urge to move, the brain's attention to patterns, the ear's lead in initiating communication, the voice's response to sounds, as well as the eye-hand coordination associated with playing musical instruments. Music is a creative experience which involves expression of feelings. Children often do not have the words to express themselves and need positive ways to release their emotions.

We at Niño & Niña let your child explore music in everything around them. We let them explore n generate new music everyday!

Soft Gym

For kid’s, soft play area has become a ‘love it’ or ‘loathe it’ location.

Research has shown that children who are regularly involved in active play develop well on many levels, including physical, emotional, mental and social. Where Soft Gym mostly focuses on organised activities and interaction, the idea behind soft play is for children to use their imagination and get involved in exploratory play.

The soft play apparatus is, as the name suggests, ideally designed to be soft so that it’s safe for children to play on. At many soft play centres, there are multi-levels of play activities, including climbing frames, slides, ball pools and crawl tubes. Children can dive in and get exploring on their own, with friends or interact with other children who are already there and playing.

Active and exploratory soft play helps children learn new motor skills in a fun and stimulating environment. It helps develop physical activity and encourages children to enjoy exercising, but as it’s essentially play it feels fun and exciting for them.

Reading Zone

Reading books aloud to children stimulates their imagination and expands their understanding of the world. It helps them develop language and listening skills and prepares them to understand the written word. Even after children learn to read by themselves, it's still important for you to read aloud together. At Niño & Niña we provide a perfect a reading environment to the kids so that they inculcate reading habit for a lifetime!

Indoor Play Area

Children spend a lot of time 'just playing.' Of course, only we, grown-ups would put the word 'just' in the previous sentence, implying that somehow play is an indulgence only the very young are entitled to and that nothing much is happening when children play.

However, for a great deal happens when children are 'just playing.' They are developing skills and habits and attitudes that will stay with them throughout their lives. They literally 'play for keeps.'

Like crying or walking or making sounds, children don't have to be taught how to play.

Play is especially meaningful and important for young children. Actually, play is their work, and they give a tremendous amount of energy and effort to it. If you doubt this, just watch for a few minutes as a 2-year-old struggles to get a ring on a colour cone, or stand in the background as a 3-year-old tries to fit a puzzle piece into the proper spot. Or, if you roll a ball back and forth to a 2-year-old, just expect to be the first one to want to quit the game; your partner often wants to go on and on.

There are at least three ways in which play is important for young children: skill development, social development, and imagination and creativity. Learning occurs in all areas of development as young children play—and the learning, too, is for keeps.

At Niño & Niña we have taken utmost care in choosing each and every toy for your child. We have chosen toys that are “open-ended” in the sense that your child can play many different games with them. For example, wooden blocks or chunky plastic interlocking blocks that can be used to make a road, a zoo, a bridge, or a spaceship. Toys like this spark your child’s imagination and help him develop problem-solving and logical thinking skills. We have chosen toys that also help children develop spatial relations skills (understanding how things fit together), hand-eye coordination, and fine motor skills (using the small muscles in the hands and fingers).

Scribbling Wall

They look like a lot of lines, loops, and squiggles. But these marks are very important to a young child. Drawing and scribbling are the first steps in using the skills children will need later for writing. We have a whole wall where kids can use pencils, crayons, and markers to draw or scribble whenever they want.

Interactive Learning Space

Learning space refers to a physical setting for a learning environment, a place in which teaching and learning occur. We have colourful classrooms with world class furniture where interactive learning occurs spontaneously.

Come n be a part of the Niño & Niña family!
