In this fast-paced digital world, where instant messaging has become our primary mode of communication, it seems that the basic etiquette of greetings has gone right out the window. As an educator and a preschool founder, I am constantly bewildered by the lack of simple courtesies like saying “Hello” or “Good Morning” before diving into a conversation on WhatsApp. It’s as if the world has collectively forgotten the basic communication rules we learned in school and college. In this blog, I’ll humorously explore the significance of greetings and share my frustrations as I desperately try to bring back these lost social graces.

The Rise of the Casual Conversation:

Once upon a time, when we received a phone call or met someone in person, we would exchange pleasantries before diving into the heart of the conversation. But with the rise of WhatsApp, this age-old tradition seems to have disappeared faster than a packet of cookies at a preschool snack time.

Nowadays, when I open a chat on WhatsApp, I’m immediately greeted with an avalanche of messages like, “Can you help me with something?” or “I need your advice on this.” It’s as if the rules of basic human interaction have been replaced with a quick and impersonal demand for assistance. It’s like being served a three-course meal without an appetizer or even a bread roll to start with !

The Frustrations of an Educator:

As an educator, I’ve worked towards nurturing young minds and teaching them the importance of social skills and basic etiquettes. So, it’s disheartening to see that even adults, who should be the role models for our children, have forgotten the simplest of gestures: saying “Hello” or “Good Morning.”

I can’t help but wonder, have we become so consumed by the virtual world that we’ve lost touch with basic human connection?

Are emojis and abbreviations the new language of communication?

I yearn for the good old days when a simple “Hi” at the beginning of a message was considered the norm, not an exception.

Remembering the Basics:

I can still vividly recall the lessons we learned in school and during my college days studying Business Communication. We were taught that a proper greeting sets the tone for the entire conversation. It shows respect, warmth and an acknowledgment of the other person’s presence.

Just imagine meeting someone in person without saying a word, skipping the hellos and jumping straight into the discussion. It would be absurd !

So why do we allow ourselves to do it in the virtual world?

Are we so eager to get to the point that we forget the value of building a rapport and establishing a connection?

A Desperate Plea:

So here I am, with my educator hat firmly in place, making a desperate plea to all WhatsApp users: let’s bring back the lost art of greetings ! Let’s rediscover the joy of starting a conversation with a warm “Hello,” “Good Morning,” or even a simple “Hi.”

It’s not just about adhering to societal norms; it’s about fostering meaningful connections in a world that can often feel so disconnected. Let’s embrace the power of a greeting to set a positive tone, show respect and create a sense of belonging. Trust me; it will make your virtual interactions so much more enjoyable and fulfilling.

In this digital age, where the boundaries of communication have expanded exponentially, it’s essential to hold onto the basic principles that define our social fabric. Greetings are more than just words; they are the foundation of human interaction, respect and empathy.

As an educator, I find myself longing for the return of these simple courtesies. So, the next time you open WhatsApp to send a message, take a moment to remember the significance of a greeting. Let’s revive this lost art together and bring back the warmth and connection that the world so desperately needs.

Remember, a simple “Hello” can make a world of difference in someone’s day and it’s a small price to pay for more meaningful and fulfilling conversations.