Niño & Niña Preschool n Daycare

  • Junior Wing, GT 14-15, Sector 117, Noida-201301
  • Senior Wing, GT-12, Sector 117, Noida-201301
  • SP-29, Sector 130, Noida-201301

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Psychology Of A Crying Child

Sending a child to preschool can be a significant milestone for both the child and their parents. While it can be an exciting time for many families, it can also be a challenging transition for some children, especially those who are settled and have been attending preschool for some time. For many parents, it can be heartbreaking to see their little ones crying and clinging to them when they drop them off at school. Understanding the psychology behind this behavior can help parents better support their child during this transition and make the process smoother for everyone involved.

As children grow, they develop a sense of attachment and security with their primary caregivers, usually their parents. This attachment helps children feel safe and secure, allowing them to explore the world around them and develop healthy relationships with others. However, when children are separated from their caregivers, they can experience separation anxiety, which is a natural response to the fear of being separated from a loved one.

Separation anxiety is a common occurrence among young children and can manifest in various ways, including crying, clinging, and even physical symptoms like stomachaches and headaches. It typically peaks between the ages of one and two, but it can continue into the preschool years for some children. When children begin attending preschool, separation anxiety can resurface, especially if they have been attending for some time and have established a routine and relationships with their teachers and peers.

At Niño and Niña Preschool, we understand that sending a child to school can be a challenging transition, not just for the child but also for the parents. We take several measures to help children feel comfortable and secure when they are at school. Here are some tips that parents can use to help their children feel more comfortable when attending preschool:

Establish A Routine: Children thrive on routine and predictability. Establishing a consistent routine for drop-off and pick-up can help children feel more secure and less anxious. At Niño and Niña Preschool, we follow a consistent routine, which helps children know what to expect when they arrive at school.

Communicate With Your Child: It’s essential to talk to your child about preschool and the new experiences they will have. You can read books about going to preschool, play “school” at home or visit the school beforehand to familiarize them with the environment. At Niño and Niña Preschool, we encourage parents to visit the school with their child before they start attending regularly. This helps the child become familiar with the environment.

Encourage Independence: Encouraging independence can help children feel more confident and less anxious. This includes allowing them to do things on their own, such as carrying their backpack or choosing their breakfast. At Niño and Niña Preschool, we encourage children to do things independently, such as putting on their own shoes and taking care of their belongings. This helps them feel more in control of their environment and less anxious.

Validate Their Feelings: 
Let your child know that it’s okay to feel sad or anxious about going to school. Tell them that you understand how they feel and that it’s normal to feel this way. At Niño and Niña Preschool, we let the child understand that it’s absolutely normal to show their emotion, however a better way of doing it is by speaking it out rather than crying.

Create A Separation Ritual: Creating a separation ritual can help ease the transition for both the child and the parent. For example, giving your child a special hug or kiss before you leave can help them feel more secure. At Niño and Niña Preschool, we have a goodbye ritual where children give a high five or a hug to the teacher before leaving. This helps the child feel more connected to the teacher and less anxious about being left at school.

Stay Positive: Children pick up on their parents’ emotions, so it’s essential to stay positive and calm when dropping off your child at preschool. If you’re anxious or upset, your child may pick up on this and become more anxious themselves. At Niño and Niña Preschool, we reassure parents that their child will be in good hands and that we will provide a nurturing and supportive environment for their child.

Don’t Linger: It’s essential to drop off your child and leave without lingering or prolonging the goodbye. Lingering can make the separation more difficult for both the child and the parent. At Niño and Niña Preschool, we encourage parents to say goodbye and leave promptly, even if their child is crying or upset.

Trust The Teachers: Remember that the teachers at the preschool are experienced in helping children adjust to this new environment. Trust them to take care of your child and help them through this phase.

At Niño and Niña Preschool, we have seen many children who experience separation anxiety when they start preschool. Our staff is trained to support children and parents through this transition. We have a positive and welcoming environment that encourages children to explore and learn. We greet each child with a smile and a warm welcome right from the gate. At Niño and Niña Preschool, we believe that building relationships is essential to children’s success in school. Our teachers take the time to get to know each child, their interests, and their needs. This helps children feel seen, heard, and valued in the classroom.

Divya Joshi

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