Niño & Niña Preschool n Daycare

  • Junior Wing, GT 14-15, Sector 117, Noida-201301
  • Senior Wing, GT-12, Sector 117, Noida-201301
  • SP-29, Sector 130, Noida-201301

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Navigating the Touchy Subject !

Dear fabulous parents of preschoolers,

Parenting is the wild adventure where every day brings a new challenge and a fresh opportunity for laughter. Today, let’s dive into a topic that might make us squirm a bit – teaching our little bundles of joy about good touch and bad touch.

The preschooler, has wide-eyed innocence and an unfiltered curiosity that rivals a cat’s nine lives. In this scenario, it’s paramount to be their guiding star in the galaxy of human interaction.

1. Make It a Conversation: Engage your mini-me in conversations about their day. Share your own anecdotes about what made you happy or uncomfortable. This not only creates a safe space for them to express themselves but also sets the stage for discussing feelings.

Personal Touch: My nephew when 3 years old once shared a story about a classmate was invading his personal space during playtime. We turned it into a superhero tale about setting boundaries & how to express his dislike in words.

2. Good Touch, Bad Touch – The Superhero Code: Introduce the concept of good touch and bad touch using a language they can understand. Enlist the help of superheroes – explain that good touches make them feel like superheroes, while bad touches are like a villain trying to sneak into their personal space.

Personal Touch: We had dubbed our bedtime routine “Superhero Prep” and discussed how hugs and high-fives make us feel strong and loved and kisses by strangers are dragons which need to be kept away.

3. Be the Role Model They Need: Children are like sponges, absorbing everything around them. Show them what healthy affection looks like by being mindful of your own actions. Avoid kissing on the lips, as it may inadvertently lead to imitations that might raise eyebrows during playdates.

Personal Touch: I once caught a child attempting to plant a kiss on a friend’s lips after witnessing it at home. 

4. Empower, Don’t Scare: While it’s crucial to educate about inappropriate touch, do so without creating fear. Use age-appropriate language and emphasize that their feelings matter. Teach them to say ‘no’ when something feels uncomfortable.

Personal Touch: We turned ‘No’ into a superhero word, empowering our child to use it confidently when needed.

5. Screen Time Shenanigans: Ah, the screens – both a blessing and a challenge. Make sure the content is age-appropriate. Why? Because kids absorb everything like sponges, and that superhero movie might lead to some unexpected caped crusades during playtime. Choose wisely, and remember, they’re watching even when you think they aren’t.

Personal Touch: To our surprise we had a child who during pretend play tried imitating a scene with a doll and was immediately stopped by our Educator. The kid told us that she saw it the latest blockbuster movie she saw a day before in the theatre with her parents. 

6. Trust Talks: Instil confidence in your child by assuring them that you are their unwavering ally. Communication is the secret weapon here. Create an environment where they feel comfortable discussing their day, questions or concerns. The more open the dialogue, the more they’ll trust you to guide them through life’s adventures.

Personal Touch: Always give your child the confidence that you trust them. However, we had a parent who overdid this which resulted in the child telling telltale at home only to get the parents attention. Correct way- listen to the child, tell them you will sort the issue and then confirm it with the concerned person without the child knowing it. Correct the child immediately if incorrect by rephrasing the scenario without the child knowing that you have taken a validation of the telltale from outside.

7. The Playdate Plot Twist: While it’s tempting to leave your little one in the care of your closest friends, remember that even the best friend or relative may have different rules. Keep playdates relatively short, and if your spidey sense tingles, trust your instincts. It’s not about paranoia; it’s about being a savvy sidekick in your child’s superhero team.

Parenting is a perpetual balancing act, and discussing sensitive topics is just one of the many tightropes we walk. By weaving humor, personal stories, and a touch of superhero magic into these conversations, we equip our preschoolers with the tools they need to navigate the world around them.

Here’s to parenting superheroes – may your capes always stay unruffled!

– Divya Joshi

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