Niño & Niña Preschool n Daycare

  • Junior Wing, GT 14-15, Sector 117, Noida-201301
  • Senior Wing, GT-12, Sector 117, Noida-201301
  • SP-29, Sector 130, Noida-201301

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I Am Not Wasting My Time…

There is so much to think for a young, impressionable mind as it maneuvers through the classroom teachings. Many of these uncontrollable thoughts are often roped in through well defined lesson plans which have instructions for almost everything. Understanding self and surroundings for a developing mind goes beyond the confines of a neatly arranged classroom. This effortlessly happens during playtime.

Play is the highest form of Research. Kids need to play and it’s not a waste of time. Much like the different subjects at school, there are different kinds of play. One such form of play is UNSTRUCTURED PLAY. 

Unstructured play is play without predetermined rules of the game. There are no organized instructions, coaches or trainers. It is spontaneous, often made-up on the spot, and changeable as the day goes on. There is always a difference between raising children & raising thinking children. We, at Niño & Niña Preschool believe in the latter.

Unstructured play is fun—no question about it—but research also tells us that it is critically important for the development of children’s bodies and brains.

One of the best ways to encourage unstructured play in young children is by providing open-ended toys, or toys that can be used multiple ways.
Here are five reasons why unstructured play is crucial for your children—
1. It changes brain structure in important ways
2. Play activates the entire neocortex
3. It teaches children to have positive interaction with others
4. Unstructured Play Encourages Democratic Thinking
5. Unstructured Play Builds Resilience
6. Unstructured Play Encourages Self-Regulation
Above all unstructured play encourages creativity.

However one of the most problematic features of children’s unstructured play is that to the outsider, especially the adult outsider, it can appear to be little more than wasting time.

However we need to understand that this unstructured play for the child is a natural means of making friends and learning to treat one another fairly. Since this play is voluntary and playmates may abandon the game at any time if they feel uncomfortable, children learn to be aware of their playmates’ needs and attempt to meet them in order to maintain the play.

‌Learning to get along and cooperate with others is  most crucial evolutionary function for humans, and unstructured play is nature’s means of teaching young humans just this!


-Divya Joshi

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