Niño & Niña Preschool n Daycare

  • Junior Wing, GT 14-15, Sector 117, Noida-201301
  • Senior Wing, GT-12, Sector 117, Noida-201301
  • SP-29, Sector 130, Noida-201301

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College reunions can be real eye openers! It takes you by a surprise to see one of the back benchers, who hardly managed to score passing marks (that too consistently) is the CEO of some big multinational. The batch topper is still a manager struggling to meet the company’s targets. It really gets you thinking.

Just a week back standing in the midst of my batch mates, I really got thinking about something very funny. Believe me, I have this terrible habit of simply switching my brain from the main focus point to something that others would hardly understand!

I got thinking about, what exactly is education? Unfortunately my belief in the unconventional form of teaching doesn’t really leave my head easily, and I keep relating it to most of the things around me. I got thinking, that I couldn’t tell which of my friends started crawling first or who walked first. Neither could I tell who started speaking at 18 months nor, who went to a speech therapist at 3 years!

No one wore a medal for being potty trained at just 12 months or missed a promotion for learning the use of a commode at the age of 4 years. I couldn’t even put my finger on the early writers or who that wonder child was who starting reciting the alphabets when we were just talking baby language.

The educational qualifications, I surely knew.  I also knew how good or bad they were in certain subjects, simply because we all were constantly put through the same memory tests during college.

However there was one thing I could tell about them, which actually made each one of us stand apart. I could tell which of them valued kindness & manners at home. I could tell which of my batch mate wasn’t concerned about the other persons paycheck, hence not in the rat race. I could pin point which of my friends understood compassion or which simply loved blaming the system.

Unfortunately, we forget these things when we are with our kids. We tend to become so ambitious that we start comparing. Life skills like compassion, sharing or confidence, is what will separate your child from others.

We at Niño & Niña Preschool try to be your parenting partner by focusing on the life skills, values and holistic development of the child. We know that your child is special and will excel in life but we expect just one thing from you in order to achieve it :


-Divya Joshi

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