Niño & Niña Preschool n Daycare

  • Junior Wing, GT 14-15, Sector 117, Noida-201301
  • Senior Wing, GT-12, Sector 117, Noida-201301
  • SP-29, Sector 130, Noida-201301

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Entangled Parenting!

Parenting was something that was suppose to come automatically with motherhood or fatherhood. Today it takes a couple of books like, ” How to talk to your Child to make him listen to you”, “Unconditional Parenting” n many more to just understand the word PARENTING.

Today right from the time the mother has conceived we start attending parenting workshops n sessions n have immense theoretical knowledge. However we are extremely bad when it comes to implementing the theory that we are aware of.

I really don’t think my mother would have ever given it a thought before scolding me that what impact it would have on my psychology or would I hate her if she scolded me. I think she scolded spontaneously and hence I improved my mistakes  immediately. Before you judge my mother as being a typical traditional type housewife I’d enlighten you that she is a smart, well educated doctor.

We try and follow the west by letting the child be the way he is forgetting that children are like wet cement n whatever falls on it leaves an impression. We need to provide them proper impressions without the inhibition of being judged by our child.

Early childhood is extremely important and we need to constantly check the child on any socially wrong behavior. A parent is the child’s first teacher and should remain the best teacher throughout life & contrary  to normal perception 90% students respect n like the teacher who has been strict  with them. 

Early research in parenting and child development has found that parents who provide their children with proper nurture, independence and firm control, have children who appear to have higher levels of competence and are socially skilled and proficient. We need to strive to attain this right balance between providing the kids  a perfect balance between  independence and firm control.

-Divya  Joshi

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