Niño & Niña Preschool n Daycare

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  • Senior Wing, GT-12, Sector 117, Noida-201301
  • SP-29, Sector 130, Noida-201301

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Don’t Judge A Fish By Its Ability To Climb A Tree!

“Everyone is a genius but if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing it is stupid.” Albert Einstein poured out these words of wisdom many years ago, however, we (specially parents) are yet to comprehend it.
With the board results coming out and the results being flaunted in every social gathering & media, I really wonder how many fishes are being typecast as stupid !
I simply look around myself and see parents aspiring for a perfect 100% score for their kids. It scared me big time when one of my friends was unable to enjoy the success of her son getting a perfect 100% score in Maths in his grade 10 boards as the score in Science was bad (according to her). I got flabbergasted to know the kid had scored 95 % in Science.
It’s strange that how many of us want our fishes to climb trees! Why aren’t we satisfied to let them just swim?
It’s a grave concern as to how & why we have this particular approach when it comes to academics. As a general norm if a child falls sick, he/she is taken to the doctor for a diagnosis so that a proper course of treatment can happen for the child to recover. Then why do we not follow this same track when it comes to academics.
The correct channel is to figure out why the child is not performing academically and what is the action that can be taken for the same. And believe me that putting the child for tutions is definitely not the action that is required. We deviate from the basics. We need to simply find the correct Learning Style of the child and stratergise teaching techniques accordingly.
It’s really that simple!
-Divya Joshi

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