Niño & Niña Preschool n Daycare

  • Junior Wing, GT 14-15, Sector 117, Noida-201301
  • Senior Wing, GT-12, Sector 117, Noida-201301
  • SP-29, Sector 130, Noida-201301

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Be Guilt Free While Sending Your Child To The Daycare…

Although I know that Covid-19 is heavy on all of our minds right now, I have attempted to share my views on the above mentioned topic !

We all go through a phase of life when we become parents and our world starts revolving around our kids.

We suddenly find ourselves surrounded with bunch of responsibilities and the first question in our mind as a mother comes is – Will I be able to pursue my career ?

Lots of questions, like whether I will be doing justice to my kid leaving him at the daycare hover in mind !!!

A daycare opens up new doors to learning and you are assured of not only the bit of learning but alongside the hygiene, the environment and the level of educated minds that are the eyes and ears of your child.

All these learnings are not possible at home with a maid for assistance. Child gets confined to one place with one person. In no ways demeaning the value of maids in our daily lives and I vouch for it myself that they are the integral part of our domestic lives for helping us with our cleaning, dusting, cooking and other activities but when it comes for me to entrust my child, definitely I would want not a maid to be given that responsibility, would you?

Daycare scores over, in all the urban cities of the world and now almost every part of the world.

At daycare, the children get the opportunity to mingle with their peers and learn new activities. At Niño & Niña Preschool & Daycare, we focus on their fine motor skills (enhances eye-hand coordination), gross motor skills & social skills. Kids learn sharing and caring which is again a very importance aspect of life. Further, good sleeping and eating habits are inculcated in them by the caregivers. I think with younger children sleeping pattern is little difficult to maintain by the parents at home, however, at our daycare we ensure that the child’s energies are channelized during the day and they rest peacefully during sleeping hours.

Most of the parents are worried regarding eating habits of their children, daycare takes utmost care in helping and encouraging child to eat everything which is served. Going by me personal experience, we try to make our kids understand the importance of food in our lives in a simplified way which has resulted in imbibing good eating habits.

As a Daycare Incharge at Niño & Niña Preschool & Daycare, I respect the trust with which the parents send their children to us. This trust strives me to give my 100% to my kids coming to the daycare!

We ensure that you have the best hands here to take care of your child, the objective being home away from home.

The best thing about kids is they are like clay and we can mould them in any shape we want! They very much carry that for rest of their lives !

There is so much scope of growth for kids at a daycare; they can explore altogether a new world.

I myself have seen enormous growth in children coming to the daycare, is not possible at home under any circumstances.

Be guilt free, live your life! Don’t compromise your career.

Can you imagine, shoe without a lace, a pen without ink, a mobile without charger? Incomplete… Right?

The same way pursuing career is equally important for your own confidence, mental & financial growth. Daycares are boon to working parents which was not a privilege about a decade back.

So let us all live a complete life, where we can keep a balance and look it as two sides of the same coin.

Both things go hand in hand, work and help in making your kid what he/she wants to be in life!

Let’s do it for making our lives beautiful !!!

If this blog of mine made you read it till the end and made you smile with a thought, I will take it as huge positive and assume that it was worth it !

So do write in with your feedback too!!!

Stay home, stay safe and stay positive!

-Pooja Potdar

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